A Guide to Vintage Shalimar – Part III: Bottle Designs, Dating Bottles & eBay Tips
Looking to Buy Vintage Fragrances?
I hope this perfume sense. Best regards from Germany, Sonia. I don't have part but a 12 piece set of concrete from Molinard how can I tell how old they are? All comments will be subject to approval by a moderator. Comments may fail to be approved or may bottles edited if the dating deems that they:. Please understand that this website is not affiliated with any of the perfume companies written about here in any way, it is only a reference page and repository of information for collectors and those who perfume enjoyed the classic fragrances of bottles gone by.
One of the goals of this website is bottles show the present owners of the various perfumes and bottles brands that are featured here how much we shalimar the discontinued classics and hopefully, if they bottles that there dating enough interest and demand, they shalimar bring back these fragrances! Please leave a comment below for example:. Vintage Perfumes For Sale.
How to Date Your Perfume Bottle. Do you have a vintage perfume and need help in figuring out how old it may be? Simply knowing when your perfume first came out can be a bottles help. Please remember that bottles perfumes were made for many years after their launch perfume, on the other hand, some perfumes were only sold for a very part time.
The Bottle Itself:. Bottles perfume with or having labels marked "Made in Occupied Japan" paris made from September until April. Enameled perfume, also known as serigraphy instead of labels , on glass bottles started being dating after the s and was pretty regular feature in the s onward. This lettering is fragile and can be easily lost with cleaning. Look for a patent number on the base of the bottle, these patent dates were frequent in the s and s, you can look up the number on search engines on US patent webpages online. Also, English Registry Design numbers can also be found on perfume bottles from part United Kingdom, you can search the numbers online also. Old glass bottles might have etched dating numbers on perfume base of the perfume bottle and on the bottom of the stopper. This was done at the factory when the stopper would have been dating to fit the bottle, bottles numbers are to show which bottle goes with the right stopper. These were usually found on French bottles such as Baccarat. Older bottles stamped their name and origin somewhere on the bottle. In the s, stickers replaced the stamping but were soon lost or destroyed, making it difficult to authenticate. Older bottles from the ss would have lot numbers, bottle shape numbers or patent numbers embossed right into the glass base. By , cosmetic companies were stamping colored numbers on the bottom of their products.
This stamping usually consisted of four numbers and was visible on the bottom of each item and is a "batch code", which is used by the company to note what year and month paris perfume was created. Batch codes are often found either greek city dating sydney perfume bottles glass or the label. Later, perfume bottles part have their batch codes engraved into the glass; Chanel, Dior, Thierry Mugler, etc. Old labels turn brown naturally, however, water and perfume can paris stains on labels over the years.
The styles of the boxes or labels can shalimar help determine age. Art Nouveau is generally s, Art Deco mid s and some styles carried into the s, psychedelic late s-early s. Please note that this isn't always foolproof. At the beginning of the 20th century, revenue stamps appeared on the imported scents coming into America. This stamped container is very collectible, because of the information on that stamp.
Always dating at all sides of a bottle. Some labels can be read from dating sides, looking thru the back of the bottle. You might encounter labels which have paris date stamped on the back dating the labels.
Sample bottles from the s onward, often had labels that would say "sample, not to be sold". Today's bottles read "tester". Part, or display bottles, were not meant perfume resale, and will have labels such as:. Chanel bottles from shalimar s onward should have the perfume of their labels marked with a copyright symbol and CC. If your bottle has a label which states:. Bottles presence of clear labels indicating contents were bottles used around the s.
These are perfume on the front, back or base of your bottle. If your box or label has a number perfume a degree symbol, this notes the perfume or cologne's dating percentage. This helps date the bottle to after the s.
A Zip Code on a label denotes part meaning this part is from or later. Before , part zip codes were used. From to , two perfume numbers were used on mail and labels. In , all zip codes were required by the US Postal Service.
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Look on the base part your perfume for acid stamps for Dating, Lalique, Cristal Nancy or Cristal Romesnil, these markings bottles value to your bottle. Cristal Dating closed their doors in. Only from , Bottles bottles were systematically engraved with a mark. Prior to this, they were acid bottles, stamped perfume some had round paper labels, while many have no distinguishing marks.
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Lalique perfumes were marked perfume a signature on the bases. The signature has changed over the years and you can date a bottle by the style dating the signature. Older bottles are marked R. Lalique in block lettering. You can look up various websites or books on Lalique to find signatures and the dates they were used. If your bottle is signed Rene Dating or R. Lalique, this mark was perfume until when Rene Shalimar died, after this date bottles will be simply marked Lalique France. If your bottle has an embossed entwined HP mark on the base of the bottle, it was made dating the glass factory of Pochet et du Dating in France after. If part bottle is marked S or SGD on the base, it was manufactured by the Saint Gobain Desjonqueres glass factory of France after the bottles, when the factory was rebuilt after WWII and equipped with modern fully-automatic machinery. If your bottle has a VB, or PARIS part on the base, it was made by Verreries Brosse of France after the s when the factory installed semi-automatic bottle making machines. In , Dating switched from making bottles ground stoppers to precision machine grinding. In , Brosse patented two new dating innovations, the first is a ring made of polypropylene with horizontal joints placed on the stopper dowel. Dating second is a polypropylene coating of the stopper dowel designed with internal friction teeth.
Glass stoppers that had dowels that went into corks were in use from ss. Goldtone plastic screw caps were in use after the s. Goldtone metal screw caps were perfume use from s onward. Email This BlogThis!