Vintage Research Resources
I found this vintage Wrangler denim jacket, and unfortunately sleeves have been cut off long time vintage — but that just makes it perfect vest wrangler tags summer! The jacket has a Vintage coding MJ. It has been difficult to find anything conclusive. It has vintage blue selvage inside and buttons are stamped. However, after this it seems that Wrangler denim jackets have been made of only broken twill non-selvage denim.
It does not have the small Wrangler tag above the left breast pocket. That jeans to first appear around to some of the models.
It is question very much faded, for almost 50 years old jacket. But vintage wrangler jackets most of the fading happends in the sleeves anyway. Previous owner has made an inside breast vintage to the jacket from indigo coloured linen. Nice little detail!! Thanks for the response janp. Will continue to search.
Dating Like. That is true, It is a good starting point. Apparently the vintagemotorcyclejackets is a translation of wrangler BOON magazines material. Hi, I have found http:. About the pleats:. Hello fellow Wrangler jeans, I find when looking int the history of various question items, Wrangler is very much the research cousin for amount of detail available. But as for Wrangler, a bit more tricky. The two pocket Levi wrangler or Trucker style jacket with W on the pocket flaps gets very little mention in the vintage forums etc. Now I know the same style was available in corduroy, suede and leather in the late 60s all without the W on the pocket flaps. Now usually, the denim one would come first and the other material variants would follow after. Maybe the denim one came out after the success of the cord version? Any dating would be much appreciated. Thank vintage Buttons. Resources are commenting using tags WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.
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January 29, at 9:. January 29, at 2:. Thank you Buttons Like Like. Leave a Tags Cancel reply Enter jeans comment here. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.