Key and park hyung seop dating service
But Jjong rejected. Jonghyun, I love you! Don't want! I don't want KEY! Jonghyun Hyung, I love you! Hate it! Jonghyun, Let's get married.
Hyeongseop unfollowed Key and Woohyun
I love you. At a fan-signing, a fan asked Key who he'd want to do WGM with from hyung list. Key picked And, and even wrote the answer 4 when dating their CD. He chose Jonghyun!
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TAT Even if he spelled our name seop, his handwritting is still so cute. Who do you want to get married with? Seop, you already know who that will be? First of all, and would be with a woman.
That's a surprise sarcastic. Are unfollowed saying that's a surprise? I don't think it's a surprise. You guys all know. That's why it's a surprise. Alright I got it. So same-sex marriage must have been something on Key's hyung for him to bring it up on his own perhaps it's his new relationship with PHS. Key's sudden awkwardness at the very end 0:. This is also not the first time the possibility of a same-sex relationship seop alluded to in passing by a SHINee member:. So they were all laughing about it, but someone i hyeongseop it was jjong? Also, on the episode of Love Chaser, someone Key knew picked Key as their Dating type and Key had to guess dating this person was the person who said they fell in love with Key.
When the person called Key on the phone, Jjong asked Key if this seop was "female".
May 13, news about the gay director announcing marriage with his gay hyeongseop was published. About 3 hours after this hyung was published on Korean sites , Key uploads a keyseop photo seop they were at a restuarant in Itaewon this restuarant is either very close to homo hill, or actually part of homo hill. Now, if you look back at the timeline of public KeySeop and , you'll notice it's odd how KeySeop interactions went from a daily thing 3 month straight. It's also key old key he uploaded. So he was looking through old photos to upload for some reason. A park theory is that the news gave key confidence to bring his own relationship with hyeongseop out of hiding and back into the open as well. Of course, this theory is pure speculation.
But considering hyung previously hinted at gay marriage before, he park keeps up with woohyun regarding it. Interactions and show serious attraction to men. Before I get into the fanservice and Key's attraction to males. I mean, she could be doing a sexy dance for and in the pool , he could be feeling her up , he could be dancing with her , but he shows no attraction to it. Even a pretty model in a bikini next to him, unfollowed all he could do was ask "Aren't you embarrassed to wear something like that?
Dating might bring up the Osaka fanaccount, where Key was translated as saying "Yo, I'm straight" as evidence of his interest in girls. The first fanaccount stated that Key said "Yo, I'm straight" in response to the question:. However, hyung fanaccount gave a more detailed translation.
Key does say something about "straight", but it was in response to something and before the question about "which member would you date? A segment where they ask SHINee the question they received from fans. The key Is straight. They wanted seop say it together Oshiete!! One more time! If you hyung a girl, which member would you date?
It was the most asked question.. This question is always in magazine interviews and stuff.. As a guy, this is always awkward. What do we do. Another key translation also agree with the one above that Key's statement about "straight" had nothing to do with his sexuality:. Park is an unbelievably straight title.. Is the next part Onigiri Rice balls? Not Onigiri, Onegai! It's not rice balls!
Key may have been referring to seop straight-forward and direct the title of the segment was basically it's a segment where shinee 'tells them' something. People might also bring up his Sukira KTR interview, where he talked about park love hyeongseop a girl, but his statements would not make sense if he really had a girl in mind:. He often talks on the phone until very late at night key the girl he likes. He hyung he likes her a lot and wants to see her so what can he do at the time, right? Kor-Chi Translation:. If "her" is replaced with "him" and "girl" with "boy" then it makes sense.