Some random things I found interesting…..
Some Notes on Research and Writing:
- Hal Varian on How To Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time.
- William Thomson’s Young Person’s Guide to Writing Economic Theory.
- Stephen Pinker on Why Academic Writing Stinks.
- A nice American Scientist article on the Science of Academic Writing.
- One and Two good articles on writing referee reports in TCS and Econ.
- You should learn Python, it’s awesome… some resources…
- A short course on Python for Scientific Computing.
- A good collection of resources for Reproducible Data Analysis in Jupyter.
Some Notes on Building and Being on a Good Team
Interesting Thoughts on Authorship and Biblometrics:
- The Effects of Listing Authors in Alphabetical Order: A Survey of the Empirical Evidence.
- Mattern, A Biblometric Evaluation of Computer Science.